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The rising socialistic politics in South America

Things have quieted down since the unrest after the elections, at least on the outside. After more than a weeks wait (which is more than enough time to fix them with invalid votes) some of the voting urns have been brought in and counted by hand, giving more or less the same result as before, and the government claiming that they have done what is needed to 'prove' that they won (although less than ten percent of the urns have actually been opened). The opposition is not at all happy, but has nothing else that they can do.

Many of the Ecuadorians are starting to feel that nothing short of a national uprising is going to change the direction that this country is taking. The current administration being strong partisans of Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and the current Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro, Ecuador seems to be the next country on the brink of Latin American Socialism.

I am including a short insert from an interesting article about the current affairs in Venezuela, as well as the link to the whole article: "Venezuela's capital, Caracas, has seen almost daily demonstrations in recent weeks, some of which have turned violent. Critics are accusing President Maduro of moving towards a dictatorship, and want him to resign. But Maduro says the opposition is conspiring with foreign entities, especially the US, to destabilise the country."

Our prayer is that Gods' love can shine through the fear and hatred, and free the Ecuadorian hearts to see a better kingdom to live and fight for, and that they can bring this freedom to their fellow countrymen not wielding shovels, machetes and pitchforks, but rather Gods' word.

Please keep our country and our countrymen, lost in darkness and sin, in your prayers!!

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