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We rest on Thee

I have been thinking a lot about this Hymn lately, and the story of the five missionaries who gave their lives to spread the gospel to the Huaroni tribe here in Shell.

I wanted to share these words here with you.

  1. We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender! We go not forth alone against the foe; Strong in Thy strength, safe in Thy keeping tender, We rest on Thee, in Thy Name we go.

  2. Yes, in Thy Name, O Captain of salvation! In Thy dear Name, all other names above; Jesus our Righteousness, our sure Foundation, Our Prince of glory and our King of love.

  3. We go in faith, our great weakness feeling, And needing more each day Thy grace to know: Yet from our hearts a song of triumph pealing, “We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.”

  4. We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender! Thine is the battle, Thine shall be the praise; When passing through the gates of pearly splendor, Victors, we rest with Thee, through endless days. Edith G. Cherry

"Give me the Love that leads the way, the faith that nothing can dismay; The hope no disappointments tire, the passion that will burn like fire. Let me not sink to be a clod, make me thy fuel, flame of God!" Amy Charmicael

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.

Wherever you are - be all there.

When it comes time to die, make sure all you got to do is die. Jim Elliot

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