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How to have a Well Balanced Christian life.

I was talking to a brother today, and got to thinking about what I have learned over the last few years about living for God in a way that makes a difference and still get through my own personal problems. Let's face it, we all at times make mistakes, bad choices, even decisions that we later regret. Not only that, but we all face at times burnout and depression, even just plain comes in many forms and ways, the worst of which is getting a headache by just thinking about all you have to do.

How to have a balanced life?

There are two important things that I have learned serving as a missionary in many different capacities and at times juggling different responsibilities:

First; Do what you do because God wants you to. Others can give you advice, but you need to find out from God what his will is for you...people will tell you many things, from how to live your life, to doctrine, to what you should do, what your actions should be. Many will tell you how best to serve, or where to serve... but in the end, you will be the one that has to live with the consequences of any and all decisions. And the only way to vistory is to make sure that you know that you have heard from God, not anyone else..because he is the only one that will stay with you and help you through the hard times

Second; Do what you do because You want to. This may sound cheesy or even selfish, but it's the truth: the key is a balanced life. A balance in everything, your life, in work, in spiritual. The reason why is that you can serve and serve, or you can work and work...but in order to be useful to God and to others you need to make sure that you are ok, healthy, happy, that you are at 100% and you are doing it wholeheartedly. The Word lets us see how Jesus did it, he had a time of rest, a time of recuperation, time with family, time to minister, time alone with God, time to work and time to serve. A well balanced life.

I believe that this is God's plan for our lives...balance and divine direction, the perfect duo to a well-lived life that is beneficial to the kingdom and to those around you.

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