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Viaje a Karin

Last Saturday morning, I left home at 3 o'clock in the morning to go to Puyo and catch a five o'clock bus to the Shuar community of Chapintza, a three hour ride. From there, its a little over an hour walk along the Pastaza river to a boat that carries us across the river to the other side, and into another province. Then its a short hike up a very steep hill, and we arrived at the Shaur community Karin.

Pastors from all over Ecuador were gathered, along with a team from the United States and church leaders and members from the surrounding communities, about ten communities in total. It was a great time of worshiping the Lord, spending time together in open sessions, preaching and testifying, as well as playtime with the children and youth.

The main topic for the whole conference was the family, and a lot of good time was spent with the church leaders sharing about their problems and difficulties, and struggles they face in their communities and with their culture. Saturday mid-morning we had a great time haring among men, and letting the pastors and leaders go to the Word with their problems, with just a little direction from ourselves.

Saturday evening I was privileged to preach to the entire gathering, and by the grace of the Spirit God shared a very comprehensive message on the necessity of keeping the Lord in the center of our families. I used many props to make illustrations that night, and there was more than a few people wondering why I brought an axe and a bag of rocks to church, but they were very helpful in making the Word aplicable to our daily lives. After the worship service that followed, where every church brought a special of praise, we wrapped up the time at midnight with a time of prayer, laying on of hands and reconciliation. God moved!

Sunday after the morning service, we spent some last time together in fellowship, and then crossed a very high and rapid Pastaza river to the other side, and began our trek back home.

It was a wonderful weekend!!

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