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Pray for Ecuador and South America

Today, Sunday, has brought to light once again the political strife here in Ecuador. they had a 'popular vote', similar to an obligatory poll, on seven main controversial topics here in the country.

The former president has been very much against the changes the new president has been making (including sending to jail his vice-president for financial fraud) and has been very outspoken in his campaigns, which have resulted in demonstrations and riots by supporters of both parties, and a number of injuries, as well as death threats to both of the leaders. Thankfully, today has been very quiet and calm, as opposed to the last elections, and we know that God is in control of everything.

We would ask for your prayers for Ecuador, and all of South and Latin America. Ecuador's political scene is unstable to say the least, and two big things in balance are religious liberty and teaching on morality. A big thing that is forever being debated is wether same-sex marriages can adopt, and the teaching of a 'third-sex' has already been established in the public school system. It is also getting harder to evangelize and preach, with a law being pushed requiring a pastor to have government approved credentials in order to preach, and the requisites for holding any outdoor evangelistic activity grows by the day.

Ecuador isn't the only country with troubles, as Venezuela continues in its Dictatorship Regime, with not just religious oppression, but also political and financial oppression. Even though the UN has finally issued an arrest warrant against the president for his many crimes, the country is no wheres near ready to hand him over to be tried.

Bolivia recently passed a law citing jail time for people that supported, either with money, food, or lodging, someone that openly evangelized on the streets. Although after a week of protests the president decided that he was going to revoke the new law, many of the South American countries are heading in this direction.

Colombia is starting their presidential primaries, and one of the leading candidates has the backing of the FARC! The terrorist organization know wants to be the leading rulers of the entire country.

The Influenza scare is also pretty big right now in South America, with over 63 deaths in Ecuador alone attributed to the virus, most of these on the coast. Likewise many of the neighboring countries have a number of deaths supposedly by this virus.

Lastly, we are seeing an increase in teenage prostitution, child abductions, teenage delinquencies, and deaths. The Police force for this province recently instituted a curfew for all underage teenagers, hoping to bring these numbers down. Teenage pregnancies, drug abuse and gang activity is also on the rise all around the country.

I realize that this is the same all around the world, and we know that the end is drawing near. Please pray for us as we continue to minister to them, and teach and train the local churches and ministries to reach their peers with the good news of Jesus!!

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