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Kids club IAMC Church, Puyo

Today, I made one early trip into Puyo to help some churches plan a evangelical drama team. It has some good potential, and we were able to give them some good ideas and structure; our prayer is that God would take it and use it, so that the youth would get involved in ministry in a way that not only draws their attention, but can be more than show, and speak to the hearts of the viewers.

Afterwards, I went by the Kids club in the Missionary alliance church in Puyo. It was a small number, being that it was a very rainy day, but we had a great time there! I was able to talk to the pastors a little, and also share some songs with the kids!! the ministry is going well there, and we are proud to be a part of the start up and current support group for this club, and the children they reach!!

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