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Ministry teams

One of the things that I gained a lot of experience doing at Casa de Fe was working with mission teams that want to travel to Ecuador and come alongside a ministry here. This happened a lot in Casa de Fe, and I have also been able to assist several local churches and ministries in organizing and translating for these teams, and in that way assist the ministry that they are doing.

The beginning of January, three young men came down for five weeks to minister alongside my father in his ministry with the children and the village churches. I was able to assist them a bit in the manual work part of that ministry, as well as translating and coordinating several things.

They also spent one weekend with us, and were a part of the youth outreach in the soccer field, as well as the children's campaign in Puyo. We had a great time sharing with them, and seeing how God is working in their lives, leading them deeper in their walk with him and seeking his calling of service upon their lives.

These past two days I was able to accompany them up to Quito, and then last evening up to the airport and send them on their way.It was a great blessing to be a part of their ministry of assisting several ministries and local churches! You can see some pictures here.

A ministry team is a great way to come alongside a local ministry in their needs, as well as an opportunity to serve others, and deepen your walk with God. If this is something you are interested in, we can help you with that! Wether it be to visit a specific ministry, or do a specific outreach, such as evangelism, working with orphanages, children's clubs, vbs, medical, work, and/or construction; there are many ministries that we work alongside that need and would appreciate the support of a mission team! The number and time can be flexible, depending upon the ministry and the mission, and helping set that up for these missions/ churches is a part of our ministry! If you have any questions, or are interested in this, please write to us!

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