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Cinthia is back home!

This morning, after traveling some 42+ hours, Cinthia finally arrived home, tired, but happy to be back! She was really starting to miss her boys (I think that I am included there!) and couldn't wait to get back home!

She arrived just in time for each of the boys first basketball games, which both of them won! It was so cute to see Esteban and the kindergarteners clutching the ball while they ran to place it inside of the box, and Daniel with he third graders, who only had to get the ball to touch the backboard to score a point (two points if they actually made it go into the hoop!)

Unfortunately, the doctors were on strike in Peru, so she was not able to take her mother back to the doctors for the evaluation of the tests that they ran. They will be doing that in the next couple of weeks, hopefully, and then we will be able to know better as to what her options are. Please continue to pray for her and the whole family!

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