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CMA motorcycle dedication

On Sunday I was honored to be a part of the dedication of a motorcycle donated by CMA for a national pastor/missionary that does a bit of discipleship and church leadership building. Libio is a great brother in Christ, who lives on the coast of Ecuador, where he ministers in a few villages there, and also spends a week or two every month in Gareno and the surrounding Huaroni villages discipling and raising up strong christians to go and evangelize in other communities in the surrounding jungle.

I have known Libio for some time, and have worked with him a bit; and it was an honor to participate in the dedication of this tool that will be used to further God's ministry on the jungle roads leading into these different communities. The dedication was done at the church here in Puerto Napo, which is one of the local churches that has come alongside Libio in his mission work.

You can click on the picture above to see a few more fotos of the event!

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