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First seminary of 2020

Had a great time teaching at the bible seminary this past week! I was at the camp from Sunday evening to Saturday morning, and although I do miss my family when I'm away for a whole week, it was a great time with the students, teaching, charing, listening, counseling and planning!

This week we studied Systematic Biblical Theology, and not only was it a great and important material, but I had a great fellow teacher as well, a leader of one of the churches in Puyo. I have known brother Carmelo from when I studied at this same seminary ten years ago, when he was the administrator of the camp, and it was a great blessing to bring him in for the week of teaching!

We had a great group of students this month, with 5 new students! One of them is a young man, a pastors son with whom I have been counseling some, and it was great to see him make the decision to come and study in the seminary, now that he is out of high school! I also was able to have several good talks with a number of the students/pastors with whom we work closely, both counseling and also sending them out to evangelize in new villages. it was a great and productive week!!

You can see pictures of the classes throughout the week by clicking above!

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