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COVID-19 Ecuador Updates 4


3,646 confirmed cases, of which; 2,687 are in home quarantine, and 679 hospitalized, 158 of which are touch and go.

180 confirmed dead, and another 159 probable deaths from COVID-19

There are also 5,137 suspected cases, of which they are waiting either for test results, or for the capacity to take more tests.

The good news, 100 people who have been let out of the hospital (again, can't say recovered, as not all have been confirmed) and over 3,000 suspected cases have been discarded as non-cases.


4450 confirmed cases (up almost 500 from yesterday)

242 deaths confirmed by covid-19 (almost the same amount suspected deaths caused COVID-19

A six or nine month old died the other day in a nearby province.

Guayaquil city is now using cardboard coffins, as they have no more wooden ones.


Jumped from just under 5,000 to almost 7,200 cases, in one day


7,603 confirmed cases, and 369 confirmed deaths; with almost 500 suspected deaths.

"Bodies left out on sidewalks. The authorities struggling to keep track of deaths. Funeral parlors, out of coffins, using cardboard boxes made by companies that usually package bananas and shrimp.

The calamity unfolding in Ecuador’s business capital, Guayaquil, offers an ominous look at how officials’ ability to respond to the coronavirus pandemic in Latin America can be dangerously hamstrung by the inequality, weak public services and fragile economies that mark much of the region."

Exert from a NYT story I the full story here


9,022 confirmed cases; 456 confirmed dead, 731 dead from respiratory failures= 1,187 dead.

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