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COVID-19 Ecuador Update 9

Over 30,000 confirmed virus cases, with 3,359 deaths.

The government has extended the state of emergency till the 16th of June, which allows them to continue to restrict basic rights such as general assembly and free movement.

The government is slowly allowing certain areas to return to work, under specific protocols. This includes construction, production in basic areas, and public transportation, although the buses are only allowed to carry 30% of their capacity. Catholic churches are allowed to hold mass, with twenty people at a time, as long as they stand 2 meters apart from each other. All other areas, and stores, and travel, are still restricted as before.

The government continues to make economic changes and new laws to help offset the tremendous cost the pandemic has had on the country. The latest, and most polemic of them, is cutting some of the financial support given to public and state universities. In some cases the support has been cut up to 30%, causing outrage among both students and the general populace. There have been marches and protests in several cities, although not to the extent there would have been if the people were not afraid of the virus.

The number of arrests has gone way up this week, as more people that are not permitted to work yet are becoming desperate and going out to find work. Others arrested are part of the protests.

The curve on deaths and cases is slowing, but many fear that by the end of next week we will see it rocket again, with more people moving about and possibly transferring the virus, despite the safety measures taken.

Despite the rise in oil prices, the economy is still in grave problems. Many who live day to day are suffering, doing whatever they can for a daily meal. There have been over 65,000 people let go from their jobs over the last month and a half, because of the crisis...and many more family business owners not able to make ends meet.

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