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COVID-19 Ecuador Update 13


Official Government numbers:

87,963 positive cases 9,332 confirmed deaths

Over the last five months there has been almost 26,000 more deaths than the national yearly number for this time, most directly or indirectly related to COVID.

Several worldwide monitoring institutions have published that Ecuador has the highest mortality rate, with over 500 out of every 1,000,000 population dead from the virus.

The hospital systems are still collapsed, with people not being allowed in unless they are in extreme danger, so as not to become infected by the virus. Many health workers have gotten the virus from inadequate protection, and the hospitals do not have what is needed to keep up with the demand. Last month, A friend of ours was released from the hospital a day after an appendix operation, where they found a suspicious lump and sent it to be tested for cancer. They still rushed her out of the hospital the next day to free up room in the hospital. Many of our friends, brothers and sisters in >Christ, and even ministry partners are loosing family members to the virus. the government has started to place more restrictions on the general population once again, as the numbers continue to raise.


The president has ordered the state of emergency to be extended for another 30 days, allowing them to continue to restrict the rights to travel, work, and public gatherings, among other things.

The official number of cases is now 101.542, which is almost 0.6% of the population.

COVID-19 related deaths 9,680, which is over 9.5% of cases.

This puts Ecuador at 547 deaths per million population, and 10th worldwide, followed by the USA at 11th in mortality rate per population.

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